5 SEO Strategies That Ensure Your Business is Seen

Does your business appear when customers search for related products and services? If you haven’t been working to increase search engine visibility, chances are you’re losing valuable traffic to competitors. Try these five SEO strategies to boost your brand’s presence and maximize the effectiveness of organic search results.

Research Keywords

You can’t succeed with SEO unless you take the time to research the keywords your target audience searches to find businesses like yours. Using one of the many tools available for this purpose, analyze keywords and phrases for search volume, competition, and relevancy. Create a core list of terms with high numbers of searches but the low levels of competition. Build content around this list to begin improving rankings.

Promote with Sharing in Mind

Search engines see social signals as signs of credibility. When users react to your content, they’re saying they find it interesting and worthy of comments or sharing. Include social sharing links on all the content you produce, and post your work on your own social media feeds. Add calls-to-action to blog posts, videos and other content to prompt visitors to like, comment, pin, tweet or share what you’ve created. Email newsletters are also powerful platforms for distributing content to a wider audience.

Know the Trends

For content to drive social engagement, it has to be something people want to read. Get a feel for trending topics by using sites such as BuzzSumo and NinjaOutreach along with the search functions on social platforms. Set up social alerts for terms related to your industry, and scroll through posts with popular hashtags. You’ll begin to get a feel for what subjects and content types are viewed and shared the most. Strive to create similar content with a unique twist relevant to your business.

Balance Your Links

Getting links to your content from authoritative sites helps prove to search engines you’re creating something with value. Along with a strong network of these backlinks, establish an internal link structure with high-ranking pages pointing to other important content in need of a boost in visibility. Internal links also show search engines how pages within your site are related and prompt visitors to remain on your site longer after arriving.

Improve Content Quality

Search engines aren’t just looking for pages with relevant keywords and strong link structures. Thanks to changes in Google’s algorithms, content quality is just as important as other SEO metrics. Make it your goal to create something better each time you put out a new piece of content. Better quality means more engagement and more consumers viewing your brand as a source of authoritative information.

Continue to monitor your SEO strategies, and make adjustments according to what brings in the most traffic and drives the largest number of conversions. As visibility increases over time, your audience will become more engaged and your brand will begin to develop the strong reputation needed to maintain a strong presence in organic search results.

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Categories: Business Topics
