Why You Should Consider Going Virtual For Your Startup

Due to its cost-effectiveness, virtual offices are a smart option for a startup business owner to consider. This viable business option saves money on rent, utilities, parking and more to provide you with more time and money to invest in research, development and marketing.

Before you embark on this virtual business venture, CEO Business Centers wants to make sure that you know all the facts about taking your business virtual. We have provided you with three different business structures of a virtual office space and other tips on how to make your business a successful one.

The Different Structures of a Virtual Office Space

Having your startup go virtual can happen in many forms, depending on what is best for your business. The three types of structures are: leading a distributed workforce, operating out of an office space and being the only employee at your company.

  1. Leading a distributed workforce consists of full and part-time employees, independent contractors or a mixture of the two all working out of their homes.
  2. Operating out of an office space permits your staff to divide their time between working at the office or working from home.
  3. Being the only employee at your company is an ideal structure if you like to get things done yourself. In this model, you also have the option of outsourcing freelancers and independent contractors.

Tips on How to Have a Successful Virtual Startup

The virtual office space trend has grown tremendously in the United States over the past few years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 64.2 percent of self-employed and contract employees worked from home and 25.8 percent of part-time employees worked from home in 2010.

This type of business model is for any type of company, whether you’re a startup or a preexisting business. Either one can be successful by following these four tips.

  1. Plan Ahead: Before deciding to make your startup virtual, you must first consider all the facets of your business and envision how they would continue to run in a virtual world. The best way to make this transition is by gradually moving existing staff to home offices or adding contractors in small increments.
  2. Have Knowledge About Different Types of Technology: It’s important that you have knowledge about technology. Because in the virtual world, security and usability are two prevalent concerns. It would be best if you provided your employees with a complete suite of required hardware, such as laptops, monitors, scanner/copiers, webcams and microphones.
  3. Consider Communication Services: Communication services are crucial when managing a remote team. It’s important to keep everyone in communication with each other. This helps people stay on task, reduce feelings of isolation and boosts engagement.
  4. Remember that Technology isn’t Everything: Physical meetings are imperative to keeping a startup running. Consider scheduling weekly meetings as time to have water-cooler talk to encourage the team to connect and build camaraderie.

CEO Business Centers is perfect for small businesses, sole proprietors and startups in need of virtual office space and that wish to project a professional image to clients and competitors. CEO Business Centers executive office rentals are an inexpensive, efficient solution for people like you who are looking for a virtual office or co-working space in the Atlanta area. Contact us today!


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